What do student tutors do?
Tutors help and orient students
DEAMS offers students an information service carried out by students attending years beyond the first, who make their experience available to those who have difficulty navigating the university maze.
The team of tutors offer support and can help freshmen in choosing a study plan, researching information, and solving operational problems that students may encounter in their college career.
Who are the student tutors?
Updated information on tutors can be found HERE
The Student Representative/Tutor Office is in Building D, 1st floor, room 1.27.
Student wellbeing tutors
The Student Welfare Tutor is pursuing a course of study in psychology and offers to listen to students who feel like or need to talk to someone, who are experiencing difficulties in their course of study (e.g., relating to psychological well-being, college life, study method). Any exchange will remain confidential.
Orientation tutor
Tutor to support orientation events organized by DEAMS and the University
Tutor for liaison and interface activities between students and teaching structure
Tutor for assistance and liaison between student, teacher delegate and structure dedicated to international mobility and Erasmus project
Educational Tutors
I Educational tutors Are undergoing training in the subjects they are in charge of. They are usually master’s or doctoral students. They offer support to students in the subjects they are in charge of.
Tutor to the Mathematics course (in English)
Tutor to the Microeconomics course (in English)
Tutor in the Business Administration course
Tutor in the Mathematics course
DEAMS Teachers delegated for orientation and student relations are:
Prof. Paola ROSSI – Delegate for incoming orientation, prossi@units.it
Prof. Ludovico CARRINO – Delegate for student relations, ludovico.carrino@units.it