How to develop digital skills?
Digital competence is the ability to use information society technologies (IST) for work, leisure and communication with familiarity and critical thinking. It is supported by basic ICT skills: the use of computers to retrieve, evaluate, store, produce, present and exchange information as well as to communicate and participate in collaborative networks via the Internet. Required skills include the ability to search, acquire and analyze information critically and systematically, assessing its relevance and distinguishing between what is real and what is virtual, as well as recognizing the correlations between them. In addition, it is important for students to be able to use technological tools to process and present complex information, as well as to access and use Internet-based services for research. Finally, it is essential to know how to use information and communication technologies (IST) to support critical thinking, creativity, and innovation.
DEAMS offers students the “Digital Skills Lab,” an advanced digital literacy course that aims to improve their skills in using digital tools for business purposes.
"Digital skills" news
Announcement of Erasmus Studio 2024-2025 published.
The Erasmus Studio 2024/2025 announcement has been published. You can find it at the following link. You can apply from today until February 29 , 2024 at 12:00 noon Destination