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Erasmus students and students from foreign universities

You can find a summary of the most important information on the International Mobility website. We also recommend that you read the additional information we have published. Remember that you can also follow Italian courses that will give you 4ECTS (without a final mark). The timetables of the Italian courses and the enrolment deadlines are available on the International Mobility website.

The timetable of grade conversion is available here.

Are you a piano player? Do you miss your personal piano and feel desperate to play? There is a free piano in the Building A.

There are no wrong notes in Jazz. Miles Davis.

News "Erasmus & international incoming"

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Piazzale Europa, 1 – 34127 – Trieste, Italia – Tel. +39 040 558 7111 – P.IVA 00211830328 – C.F. 80013890324 – P.E.C.