The Deams
The Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical, and Statistical Sciences (DEAMS) promotes and coordinates teaching and research activities in the fields of economics, business sciences, statistical sciences, and mathematics applied to economics and social sciences. It includes all subjects proper to the scientific-disciplinary fields included in the 'area of Economic and Statistical Sciences and some disciplines of other related fields such as agricultural economics, commodity sciences and economic geography.

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The historic DEAMS building has been totally renovated and refurbished to provide students with a comfortable and modern environment where they can study, attend classes in equipped classrooms, take advantage of computer rooms with innovative technologies, and meet with faculty. There are two study rooms in Building D: on floor 5 and floor -1 (basement), the latter also equipped with a refreshment area for students with microwaves and kettles. In the panoramic study room on the fifth floor, there is also an area where printers-copiers are installed for student use. Also on the ground floor is the Economics Library, with additional study areas for our students, including a relax room with table football. On the second floor of the building, two representative rooms are Sala Conferenze and Sala degli Atti.
The origins of the Deams .... we are 100 years old!
The history of DEAMS turns out to be closely linked to that of the Faculty of Economics, whose origins date back to the late 19th century, and thus also to the establishment of the University of Trieste.
In response to the demand of the people of the Giulia Region for an Italian university and to the growing professional and practical needs in the fields of commerce and navigation, on the initiative of Baron Pasquale Revoltella – a protagonist of nineteenth-century emporium Trieste, one of the first shareholders of Assicurazioni Generali, a board member of Lloyd Austriaco, and a great patron of the city’s cultural and artistic life – the “Scuola Superiore di Commercio, Fondazione Revoltella” was established in 1877 by private donation.
With the transition to Italian sovereignty, the “Superior School of Commerce” in 1920 with the addition of a third year course, was transformed into the “Superior Institute of Commercial Studies,” equalized with similar Italian institutes.
This would shortly become a university campus.
In 1921 a fourth year was added to the curriculum, and – thanks to the vote of the faculty and the financial commitment of the Municipality of Trieste, which donated funds raised under Austrian rule for the construction of the university-the assimilation of the colleges to universities was achieved. The Higher Institute was thus transformed, by Royal Decree No. 1338 of August 8, 1924, into the “University of Economic and Commercial Studies,” comprising only the Faculty of Economic and Commercial Sciences.
On this basis, the current University of Trieste subsequently developed, of which the Faculty of Economics and Business (named Faculty of Economics since 1993) represented the first nucleus. However, Law No. 240 of 12/30/2010 put an end to the Faculties, which were destined to be absorbed into Departments, previously dedicated exclusively to research activity.
In 2010, the three pre-existing Departments of Economic and Statistical Sciences (DISES), Economics and Business Technology (DETA) and Applied Mathematics in Economic Statistical and Actuarial Sciences (DIMA) merged to form the current Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (DEAMS).
Following Law 240/2010, in 2012 the Faculty of Economics was incorporated into DEAMS – Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences named after Prof. “Bruno de Finetti” (pictured), which thus combines research expertise with teaching skills.
Research in 16 subject areas
Business economics; Applied economics; Economics of financial intermediaries; Business economics and management; Political economics; Agricultural economics; Corporate finance; Econometrics; Economic geography; Applied mathematics; Merchandise economics; Economic policy; Financial science; Statistics; Social statistics; Economic history